Saturday, February 5, 2011

The State of the N900: PR1.3 is “quite close”, adds MeeGo dual-boot option

Expect PR1.3, complete with MeeGo, quite soon.

Expect PR1.3, complete with MeeGo, quite soon.

It’s good to see that Nokia hasn’t left the N900, its signature hackable smartphone, by the wayside. Behold this quote by Harri Hakulinen, team lead for the MeeGo on N900 project:

On the Maemo side, there have been interesting, supporting developments going on, as well. The PR 1.3 update is quite close now, and with that you can easily dual boot between Maemo and Meego on your N900. There is also a possibility of developing applications supporting both operating systems, based on Qt and Qt Mobility APIs on the Maemo side. It means that you can develop once in PC with Qt Creator, and test your applications on both Maemo and MeeGo, directly on your N900 device!

The videos and screenshots that I’ve seen of MeeGo have been pretty impressive so far, but it’s hard to say how well it will be received. It’s the last player in the game to arrive, so to speak, and the market is far different now than it was six months ago, what with the new batch of Windows 7 phones announced and other smartphone manufacturers pulling out all of the stops.

MeeGo Calling – on N900