Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Android 2.4 reportedly coming in April, headed to ViewSonic ViewPad 4?

Last we heard at CES, Viewsonic's ViewPad 4 handset was on track to launch with Android 2.2 in mid-June, but it now looks like there might be a pretty significant change of plans. Pocket-lint is reporting that it's heard from a source at Viewsonic who says the ViewPad 4 is now set to launch in April... with Android 2.4. According to the source, however, that update will not be dubbed "Ice Cream" as some had suspected, but will instead simply still be called Gingerbread. So what does the update bring if not a name change? Compatibility with dual-core apps designed for Honeycomb, primarily, which Pocket-lint speculates is one of the main reasons we've yet to see many Android 2.3-based devices hit the market (Nexus S, aside).